West Houston Counseling Center

Child Therapy in Katy, TX

Is Therapy Right For Your Child?

A child therapist sitting on the floor while playing with a child. Our child therapists in Katy, TX can help your child build confidence & resilience. Get started today!

Are you exhausted with meltdowns that last far too long? Are you struggling with knowing the best ways to motivate your child?  Is your child dealing with intense fears on a regular basis? Are you getting calls from your child’s school regarding behavior issues or inattention?  Is your child struggling with sadness after a divorce or another type of loss? These are just a few of the concerns that we hear at WHCC from parents on a regular basis.

Parents tell us that they are exhausted with the high emotions in their homes and frustrated with strategies that aren’t working.   With so much different information available on the internet and in parenting books, parents are confused about knowing which approach to use with their child. 


Child Therapy Can Help Your Child Handle Their Thoughts And Emotions 

Child counseling can help your child learn strategies to deal with negative emotions, as well as skills to handle negative thought patterns.  Therapy can help parents learn how to prevent meltdowns and tantrums, as well as what to do during difficult times. Families will have knowledge of the best approaches for discipline and motivation techniques. Your child can develop confidence in handling school and their extracurricular activities.

At WHCC we believe in creating a tailor-made plan created just for you, with your child’s temperament and your family’s structure in mind. Our child therapists follow a 4 phase plan for your child, so you will know where you are in the treatment plan, understand the strategies being used, and leave therapy with concrete tools to help you navigate.


Common Reasons Children Begin Counseling 

*Child behavioral issues 

*Problems with emotional regulation  


*Autism Spectrum disorders 

*Generalized anxiety  

*Social anxiety  

*Fears and phobias 

*Sadness and depression  

*Post-divorce issues 

*Grief and loss 

*Sexual abuse 

*Physical abuse 

*Emotional abuse  


*Adoption issues 

*Attachment issues 

*Screen addiction 

*Traumatic events 

*Low self-esteem 

*Problems at school 


Our Child Therapists in Katy, TX Can Help 

A family holding hands while running together. Representing how child therapy in Katy, TX can help families thrive together. Call us today to begin child counseling!

Our clinicians know how difficult it can be to start the process of therapy for your child. Many parents tell us that it’s hard to know where to begin, and lots of our clients struggle with parent guilt or “mom shame.”  Our counselors are highly trained to work with your child and have lots of empathy for how difficult parenting can be. We have been helping families with children since we opened WHCC in 2013 and have worked with thousands of children in Katy and the greater west Houston area.  


The WHCC Approach to Child Therapy 

At WHCC, we believe in taking a systematic approach to therapy.  We want our clients to know what the treatment plan includes, where the child is in the treatment plan, and for parents and children to leave with skills to make their lives better. We don’t think therapy should be a mystery, but rather a collaboration between the family and the therapist to create a system that actually helps children. 


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Children 

CBT helps identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors.  It is particularly effective for anxiety, depression, and behavioral issues.  CBT gives children coping strategies to manage their emotions and behaviors, helping them build resilience and self-regulation skills. 

Play Therapy 

Play therapy uses play as a medium for children to express their feelings and experiences.  It is commonly used with younger children who may struggle to articulate their emotions verbally.  It can be combined with other modalities such as CBT, family therapy, etc.  Through play, children can work through emotional conflicts, trauma and anxiety in a safe and supportive environment. 


Family Therapy 

Family therapy involved the entire family in the therapeutic process, focusing on improving communication, resolving conflicts, and strengthening family bonds.  It helps address issues that may be rooted in family dynamics and ensures that the entire family supports the child’s healing process. 

Sand Tray Therapy 

Sand tray therapy utilizes sand trays to helpp the child choose figures/toys that represent different emotions or create an image that helps them externalize the emotions that they feel in a safe, non-threatening way.  It is particularly useful for children who find it challenging to verbalize their feelings or have a more concrete lens of the world.  At WHCC we have sand trays in the office of each child therapist. 

Regulation Therapy 

Regulation therapy focuses on helping children understand their own nervous systems and learn ways to regulate it.  Many of our therapists are trained in Theraplay, which uses the sensory system to help regulate and soothe a child’s nervous system.  This impactful therapy can be done in session and at home to increase emotional resiliency in children.  Regulation therapy can help children experience less fight/flight moments and reduce reactive, anxious, or shutdown behaviors. 

Tailored Parent Coaching 

We hear from many parents that they have brought their child to therapy before, but were not given any skills or techniques to help them at home.  At WHCC we look at your child’s temperament and personality to help you have a more tailored approach.  From the strong-willed to the sensitive child, and many temperaments in between, we coach parents to be able to implement tools and strategies in the moment for optimal brain development. 

LENS Neurofeedback 

LENS neurofeedback is a safe, non-invasive treatment that uses low-grade energy (600 times lower than a cell phone) to apply feedback to the brain to soothe the nervous system.  LENS is a short therapy (can take up to only 10 minutes for 10-12 sessions) in which we look at your child’s specific brain map and apply feedback to the areas of the brain that would be most helpful to regulate your child.  This therapy is great for anxiety, ADHD, trauma, and other stress responses. 


Trouble Finding Time for Child Therapy? 

At WHCC, we have therapists available 7 days a week, starting first sessions as early as 8 am and as late as 8 pm.  Weekend appointments make it easy for parents to bring their child in for therapy.  We understand having a busy schedule and we work with you to find times that can work for your family. 

Get Started with Child Counseling in Katy, TX Today!

Suppose you’re seeking a supportive and effective way to help your child manage their emotions, overcome fears, or navigate behavioral challenges. In that case, our dedicated child therapists at WHCC are here to provide compassionate care and guidance. We’re excited to work with you to create a tailored therapy plan that fits your child’s unique needs and helps them thrive. Reach out to us today to explore how our personalized approach can bring positive change to your child’s life.

  1. Connect with us here.
  2. Discover more about West Houston Counseling Center. 
  3. Watch your child flourish and thrive!

Other Services at WHCC

In addition to child therapy, WHCC offers a wide range of services to support the entire family. Our team provides teen therapy to help adolescents navigate emotional challenges, and adult therapy to address personal growth, mental health, and well-being. We also specialize in parent coaching, offering tailored strategies to support parents in fostering healthy relationships with their children. For couples, we provide marriage or relationship counseling to strengthen connections and improve communication. Our trauma therapy helps individuals heal from past experiences, while LENS neurofeedback offers a cutting-edge approach to managing anxiety, ADHD, and more.