West Houston Counseling Center

Continuing Education Courses and Trainings for Mental Health Professionals in Katy, TX

Please join us for our upcoming training in Sand Tray!  This training is not just for play therapists, but for any professional who would like to learn more about integrating IFS parts work with sand tray for adult, families, and children.  Our in-person training will be Friday, February 7th at West Houston Counseling Center in Katy.  Registration links are below.



Advanced Sandtray: Discovering and Connecting Parts of Self in Play Therapy

Sandtray Therapy as an Ego Strength Intervention for Children and Adults.

Presented by Elizabeth Pennington, MA, LPC-S, RPT, EMDR Consultant, Sandtray-EMDR Specialist

Apollos Center for Training and Supervision

APT Approved Provider 22-668

Feb 7, 2025


6 Play Therapy CE Units

Lunch Provided

In-Person Workshop hosted by West Houston Counseling Center

Play therapy training incorporating IFS as ego strength intervention for children, families, and adults. This hands-on workshop will build on basic Sandtray skills and introduce IFS parts work. When trauma has resulted in a fractured self, play therapy is a gentle yet powerful intervention to identify, understand, and integrate parts of self for all ages.


Cost of training is $100 Fully Licensed/ $80 Associate License



9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

What are “Parts”?

10:15 AM – 12:00 PM

Where are they?

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM

Who are they?

2:00 PM – 2:45 PM

How Parts Become Friends

2:45 PM – 3:00 PM

Questions and Impressions

Educational Goals

  1. Identify three basic concepts of parts work.
  2. Practice 3 interventions for identifying parts of self in play therapy.
  3. Practice a play therapy intervention using Sandtray to help clients build curiosity and compassion for the roles of parts.
  4. Demonstrate competency in using play therapy interventions that support cooperation and integration of parts of self.


Cavalli, A. (2020). Noah’s Ark: technical and theoretical implications concerning the us

of metaphor in the treatment of trauma. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 65(5), 788–805. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5922.12640

Homeyer, L. & Lyles, M. (2022). Advanced sandtray therapy: Digging deeper into clinical practice.


Turns, B., Springer, P., Eddy, B., & Sibley, D. (2020). “Your Exile is Showing”: Integrating Sandtray with

Internal Family Systems Therapy. The American Journal Of Family Therapy49(1), 74-90. doi: 10.1080/01926187.2020.1851617



Please Click one of the links below to Register:

Place:   West Houston Counseling Center – 23227 Red River Dr. Katy 77494

Time: 9-3pm Lunch provided


Licensed Professionals $100 for 6 CE’s (APT approved)    https://square.link/u/Kz8W9GJh

Associate Professionals $80 for 6 CE’s (APT approved)   https://square.link/u/fYAbxZ6l


Contact Information: Stephanie Legendre- stephlegendrelpc@hushmail.com