West Houston Counseling Center

Therapy Assessments for Children and Teens

Therapy Assessments: Understanding Your Child’s Needs

WHCC prioritizes a comprehensive and insightful approach to understanding the unique needs of young individuals. WHCC employs various therapy assessments for children and teens, including the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), Clinicom, and the Marshack Interaction Method, to provide a thorough understanding of your child’s emotional well-being and support their development.

Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): 

The CBCL is a widely recognized tool designed to assess behavioral and emotional problems in children and adolescents. Through parent and/or teacher reports, we gain valuable insights into your child’s social competence, emotional functioning, and potential areas of concern. The CBCL assists us in tailoring interventions to address specific challenges your child may be facing.

Clinicom Assessment: 

Clinicom is a comprehensive assessment tool that evaluates various domains, including clinical symptoms, psychosocial factors, and the overall functioning of children and teens. By utilizing the Clinicom assessment, we gain a nuanced understanding of your child’s mental health, enabling us to create targeted treatment plans that address their unique strengths and challenges.

Family Therapy Assessment: 

Our family therapy assessment a specialized tool focusing on the family system and attachment style of your child or teen. By observing and analyzing interactions with parents and children, WHCC gains valuable insights into relational dynamics, communication patterns, and the overall family environment. This assessment aids in tailoring therapy approaches that consider the specific needs and dynamics influencing your child’s well-being.

Marshack Interaction Method: 

The MIM is a structured technique for observing and assessing the overall quality and nature of relationships. It is helpful in looking at the child or teen’s attachment style and how that relates to their social and emotional development. It is a specialized training tool that allows the clinician to tailor treatment to specific areas to help increase regulation, healthy attachment, and adaptive behaviors.

    1. Personalized Treatment Planning:
        • Our assessments inform personalized treatment plans, ensuring interventions are tailored to address your child’s specific needs and strengths.

    1. Early Intervention:
        • Early identification of behavioral or emotional challenges allows for timely and targeted interventions, fostering positive outcomes for your child’s development.

    1. Collaborative Approach:
        • WHCC believes in a collaborative approach, involving parents, caregivers, and educators in the assessment process to gain a holistic understanding of your child’s life.

Contact Us: If you’re seeking a comprehensive understanding of your child’s emotional well-being, contact admin at West Houston Counseling Center to discuss how therapy assessments, including the CBCL, Clinicom, and Marshack Interaction Method, can provide valuable insights. Together, we can lay the foundation for targeted and effective interventions to support your child’s growth and well-being.